Dandiya Night | Event


Dandiya Nights is our flagship event, attracting diverse audiences for a night of music, dance, and cultural celebration. Held annually since 2013, this festive gathering offers an authentic experience of traditional dandiya raas, set in a lively and colorful atmosphere that brings together people of all backgrounds. Join us as we celebrate unity, joy, and heritage through dance!

Dandiya Night | 2024

Dandiya Night | 2018

Dandiya Night | 2017

Our Signature Events

RACIPA is a Delhi-based organization working to promote Indian culture and art among the children and youth.

Dandiya Nights

Celebrate the vibrant traditions at our Annual Garba Nights.

Stage Show

Experience the grace and beauty of Indian dance artistry.

Kala Kaushal

Unleash your hidden talent with Kala Kaushal.


Celebrate the vibrant traditions at our Annual Garba Nights.


Activities, including music, dance, food stalls, and games.

Summer Workshops

Way for students to learn and exploring new interests.

What People Are Saying

Feel free to use a straightforward contact form and include all necessary details for reaching RACIPA.

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